Preview #1 online: Mechanical

It is the 2nd of January, so this means 2012 has started. I wish you a very happy, healthy and musical new year.
This also means that it’s time to launch the audio previews of the first Out in The Open album series episode.

Today you’ll find the preview of A-lusion & Scope DJ – Mechanical on the A-lusion YouTube channel.
Subscribe to stay updated automatically or check this website for new previews every day.

This track has been played by us for a while now during our performances and is now finally available as a high quality preview.
The track will be released a few weeks after the release of the first #OITO mix on the 9th of January.

Don’t forget, if you tweet anything about the music, please use hashtag #OITO.


[youtube id=’zObwsAZ5E3M’ width=’500′ height=’284′ /]